jeudi 13 septembre 2012

Thank you!

A mon tour de remercier la charmante Angela de "La Châtelaine Chocolat" pour m'avoir attribué le 
Liebster Blog award!
My turn to thank the delightful Angela from "La Châtelaine Chocolat" for giving me the Liebster blog award!

Merci beaucoup, Angela, pour les éloges, la gentillesse et le support constant pour mon blog.
Thanks a lot Angela for the praising, kindness and constant support!!

Il s'agit donc de récompenser 5 blogs de créateurs ayant moins de 200 supporters.
The aim is to award 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Voici mes préférences:
Here are my favourites:

La Châtelaine Chocolat   parce que des personnes telles qu'Angela se font rares et sa merveilleuse personnalité transparaît au rythme de ses belles créations.
personnalities like Angela are very rare and her soul shines through her beautiful creations.

A Tailor made it   travail époustouflant de tailoring, je suis fasciné et admiratif de la complexité et de la maîtrise technique de ce métier, un grand bravo à Terri.
Amazing tailor, I'm in awe in front of such a technical and complex art, bravo to Terri.

Diary of a Mantua Maker    travaille à Williamsburg et couds de superbes reproductions 18ème mais surtout de magnifiques chaussures faites à la main!! magnifique!
Works at Colonial Williamsburg, wonderful 18th century repros and above all perfect period shoemaker, all by hand! breathtaking!

Before the automobile  parmi les plus belles recréations de costumes historiques féminins fin 18ème, une pureté et un talent incroyable.
amongst the finest and prettiest 18th century woman's dresses, a pure and huge talent.

Mme du Jard  une chère amie et extraordinaire couturière historique, une fée.
a dear friend and gifted period seamstress, let's call her the 'Fairy' seamstress.

Difficile de choisir parmi tous ces blogs de gens fabuleux, je partage ici mes coups de coeur.
This is very hard to choose among all this talents, this is only a few selection.

Je vais donc écrire aux 5 nominés et leur témoigner mon admiration par cet award.
I will then write to the 5 nominees and grant them this award with all my admiration.

Il n'y a pas d'obligation de nominer à votre tour mais si vous le désirez:
No obligation to award but if you want to:
- ajoutez l'icône à votre blog
   add the award icon to your blog
-faites un lien à votre donneur de récompense pour le remercier
  link to your nominater to say "thanks"
-nominez 5 bloggeurs ayant moins de 200 supporters.
 nominate 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Et maintenant, retour à la couture, le gilet 1790 du Lacma en préparation :)
And now back to sewing, 1790 Lacma waistcoat :)

8 commentaires:

Angela a dit…

de rien, Phil. It is my pleasure to support and encourage all my creative friends. Cheers. The waistcoat is coming along. Do you bone or stiffen the collar to get it to not flop over? If stiffening what type that will not make it bulky? Merci!

Phil a dit…

You're very kind, I don't comment very often and I regret it.... Regarding the waistcoat's collar it is interlined with collar canvas, a very sturdy one and very thin .
I cut a piece of it without allowance and basted it to a piece of calico with allowances , then this was basted to the fabric and considered as one piece. So I don't have any bulk at the edges and the lining can be sewn on easily.
I was given that piece of collar canvas and I'm wondering where I will be able to find over here....
Same difficulty in finding a suitable buttonhole thread.
I bought one which was a real disaster, any ideas??

Angela a dit…

Hello, Phil. I have been off line for so long. So I am a little late in getting back to you. I have been using a linen thread from a company that supplies Colonial Williamsburg and those who do 18th century re-enactment. Here is the link -
The company is Burnley & Trowbridge. They are really lovely people. The wife of the team is named Angela. :) Anyway, I have been using the 50/2 linen thread and the 35/2 The only problem is they only provide a oatmeal color and a white. They may have some ideas where else to go. They also have a half-bleached linen canvas 100% linen and 55 inches wide. $16.00 a yard - not sure how that translates to Euros. The thread is - from $9.50 to 11.50 per cone. I hope that helps. If I find out any other sources I will let you know. Best wishes in the holidays and sincere wishes for a good 2013 year. Angela

Angela a dit…

Hello! Hope your Christmas was wonderful. I got your message. I know so frustrating to not find what you need so close to home. Angela is really sweet at B &T. They may be able to hurry it up for you. So weird that linen thread can't be found - Wait! I think I know someone to ask. Will get back to you. Cheers.

Angela a dit…

Phil, still working on it. The two people I contacted didn't get back to me yet. One is in France and the other is in Denmark. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow, I will broaden my net. :)

Angela a dit…

Phil I have had some success. How do you want me to get you the info? There are about 4 links with some feedback from my source? You can email me directly at and then I can send you the stuff directly. Cheers. Happy new year.

Unknown a dit…


Vos costumes sont splendides.
Je travaille aussi dans la conception de costumes pour spectacle. Seriez-vous intéressez pour monter un costume de scène? Vous pouvez me contacter

Merci et j'espère à bientôt.

Caroline Villette

Unknown a dit…


Vos costumes sont magnifiques.
J'aimerais prendre contact avec vous pour un spectacle, pouvez-vous m'écrire à


Caroline Villette